I’ve taken such a long break from blogging, but seeing these yellow shoes on Instagram gave me the incentive to share! What I love about making simple shoes is that you can take key features from elegant shoes, but hand-make them in comfortable shapes and funk them up! So what would I like to copy from these yellow shoes! First, the color! Do you have yellow shoes, I think that’s the only color I haven’t made myself a pair of shoes in..
These are a basic oxford style, but with the opening elongated toward the toes..no problem, I have an oxford pattern, it’s in a stack that I’m planning to share under Resources as soon as I can get to it..but since, using my new “frame” shoemaking method, I don’t need to make the stitch-marks on upper and sole that slow me down. So, maybe I’ll post it this week, I’ll announce it in my next blog post!
I happen to have a teardrop-shaped punch, so I could create the same punched design that is on this pair of shoes-but if you haven’t accumulated odd shoemaking tools over the years, you could use standard 1/2″ slot punches, combined with circles..
Then I would have to purchase yellow paracord for laces..
Let’s see who makes a pair of shoes inspired by these first – you or me?!