
New Video: How to make simple shoes using your feet as lasts


This video is my “magnum opus” – forgive me if the use of that term sounds like I’m elevating myself to the stature of Picasso or Chopin – it’s just the “greatest work” that I am capable of!  It pulls together shoemaking techniques that I have been developing over years into a form that I am hoping will be useful to everyone who aspires to make simple shoes.

As you can see in the photo, the shoes that you make using this technique have a few features; one is that they are nomocs, lomocs, or fomocs. I made those words up so they won’t be familiar to you at this time, but who knows, maybe one of them will be the 2015 “word of the year”, like “selfie” is this year (I’m being silly).

You can see that the upper is stitched to what looks like a leather strip around the sole – it’s a nomoc. Another feature is that a center seam over the front of the foot is recommended – but not required.

I believe that people who have challenging feet can use this technique to make shoes – I have a date with a woman with bunions to make her a pair, I’ll post the results. And please let me know of your experience using this technique.

So get your play-dough out and a few other funky materials together, with a friend who will assist you (maybe you can take turns and make a pair for each of you!), set aside a big block of time, as the video is slightly over an hour long, and let the shoemaking rumpus start!

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